Busy Mom’s Guide to a Clean & Organized Home: A Simple Cleaning Schedule

Photo by Sarah Chai on Pexels.com

As a working mom, it can be tough to keep your home clean and organized. Between work, taking care of the kids, and managing everything else in your life, housework can easily fall by the wayside. But a messy house can make you feel stressed and overwhelm you when you finally have some free time. The good news is that with a little planning and effort, you can create a cleaning schedule that works for you and your family. In this post, we’ll share tips on how to create a cleaning schedule that fits into your busy life. We’ll also provide a printable cleaning checklist so you can check items off as you go. Whether you’re looking for weekly or daily tasks, we’ve got you covered!

Define your cleaning priorities

As a busy working mom, it is essential to have an efficient cleaning schedule that helps keep your home clean and organized. From the rest of the family’s laundry to dusting the living room windows, there are certain areas of your house that should definitely be cleaning a top priority. Think bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchen surfaces – anywhere that requires daily cleaning and maintenance. A cleaning schedule ensures you don’t miss any areas of your home, so make sure to prioritize those tasks that need attention each day.

Working moms are expected to do it all – with a cleaning schedule, you can at least be sure you’re making time for yourself and keeping your home organized.

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

Set aside time each day for cleaning – even if it’s just 15 minutes

As working mothers, it’s essential that we keep our homes clean and organized. Setting aside a little bit of time each day to get the dusting, vacuuming, and laundering done can make a huge difference in the overall appearance of your home—even just 15 minutes! It’s beneficial to plan out a cleaning schedule for yourself so you can stay on top of tasks and build those daily cleaning habits. Don’t be afraid to ask your family members for help as well, which can make housekeeping go more quickly and easily. And don’t forget that there are always certain tasks you can outsource to someone else—from weekly deep cleaning sessions to monthly gardening services. Taking some of these tasks off your plate will give you more time for yourself!

When we actively prioritize our space and create routines for the little things like dusting or washing dishes, we can feel more relaxed and enjoy a tidier environment at home. So working moms – put on some tunes, grab your dancing shoes (and duster!) – let’s get started on that daily clean!

Create the best cleaning schedule that works for you | Downloadable Printable Template

Working moms are superheros who can accomplish so much in such a short amount of time. But sometimes we struggle to figure out the best way to keep their home clean and organized. We’ve created an amazing downloadable & printable template that working moms can use to create the most effective cleaning schedule for their lifestyle – one that will make sure your home sparkles and shines without having to spend hours on end doing it.

Weekly Cleaning Planner Template

Minimal & Elegant Cleaning Schedule

So working moms, worry no more – take some time for yourself and let us help you create the best cleaning schedule for you!

Stick to your schedule! It takes 21 days to form a new habit

Working moms have one of the toughest gigs out there, and when it comes to maintaining a cleaning schedule among all the other responsibilities we have to manage, it can easily become overwhelming. The key is to maintain consistency – even if you miss the mark here and there, that’s okay!

Here are a few tips to help you stick to your cleaning schedule:

  1. Make cleaning a family activity, get everyone involved and have fun with it.
  2. Break down tasks into manageable chunks of time and schedule them into the day.
  3. Have everyone pitch in by clearing their own dishes and putting away toys each night.
  4. Take 10 minutes every morning to tidy up before starting the day.
  5. Utilize technology like robotic vacuums, automated dishwashers and laundry machines that can help speed up the process.
  6. Set aside one day each week for full deep cleaning so it doesn’t pile up over time.

As long as you keep stick to your schedule and try your best not to get off track, soon enough it will become second nature. Research has shown that takes 21 days to form a new habit, so don’t give up! Once you are able to truly commit to something and stay on top of it day by day, keeping up with your cleaning routine will become much simpler.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

Reward yourself for staying on track | treat yourself to something special!

Working moms know that it’s hard to stay on track with a cleaning schedule – that’s why it’s so important to give yourself a reward after 21 days. Whether it’s something small like picking up a new beauty mask at the store, or something larger like planning a weekend getaway with your friends, treating yourself after sticking to your cleaning schedule will not only provide motivation to keep going, but also give you something fun to look forward to each month. Rewards don’t have to be expensive – whether big or small, the options are endless!

So there you have it, everything you need to get started creating your own cleaning schedule that works for YOU. We all know, being a working mom is hard enough without having to worry about keeping the house clean too! If you can stick to this schedule for 21 days, I promise it will become much easier and less time-consuming. You’ll be able to enjoy those precious moments with your family so much more. Be sure to reward yourself once you’ve reached the 21-day mark, because you deserve it! What are some of your favorite ways to stay organized? Let me know in the comments below.

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